White Sturgeon Genomics

Genidaqs is leading the effort to generate a Whole Genome Sequence (genetic scaffold) for White Sturgeon.  Detailed information about the genetic makeup of an organism provides the foundation for current and future biological research.  High quality reference genomes have proven vital for improving cultivated species, producing innovative medicines, and providing insights into non-model organisms.  The White Sturgeon genome would provide benefits for several lines of research.  The reference genome once created would enable more rapid development of population genetics tools (e.g., population analysis, reproductive success) and characterization of traits (e.g., male/female phenotype, fecundity, metabolism), which would provide vast improvements to both commercial and conservation endeavors.  From an academic perspective, White Sturgeon is an ancient fish lineage with many unique qualities that could be investigated/compared to other species.  Creating a reference genome would establish a foundation for the Sturgeon (Acipenseridae) research community.  Posterity will also be preserved; there will be much to do with the reference genome that cannot be anticipated.

This is an ongoing effort with initial project participants and data sharing agreements identified.  The White Sturgeon Genomics League will be guided by Scott Blankenship (Genidaqs), Gregg Schumer (Genidaqs), Zack Jackson (US. Fish and Wildlife Service) and Andrea Schreier (UC Davis).  Data sharing and communications will occur using “best practices” as described in Nature 461, 168-170 (10 September 2009) (Toronto Agreement).