Research & Development – 2024 updates now in service
Scott Blankenship

Image adapted from and Shanel, Knopfkind, and JHC.

Enhanced DNA Metabarcoding

General bat primers
Pacific Northwest Salmonids
GIQTurtle Crustaceans (crabs and crayfish)
Copepod, Cladeceran, Amphipod (CCA) primers
Freshwater Inverts (EPT taxa) Leese primers
Invasive Aquatic Plants ITS primers
Terrestrial plants (Trees + Honey) ITS2 primers

Enhanced Quantitative PCR (TaqMan)

Black Rail, Ridgeways Rail, Yellow Rail
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
Mudpuppy Salamander
Prickly/Riffle Sculpin
Salamander Mussel
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout
Invasive mussels + freshwater clams
Longfin Smelt

Enhanced genomics and bioinformatics

Global Primer Assessment Tool – species accuracy
Microhaplotype genotyping pipeline – based on Mega-Simple-Microhap-Snakeflow and Microhaplotopia

For more general information

Copepod, Cladeceran, Amphipod primers
Freshwater Inverts (EPT taxa) Leese primers
Invasive Aquatic Plants ITS primers
(Estuary zooplankton)
(water quality – biomonitoring)
(National Invasive Species Information Center)